At St Peter’s we are very proud of our pupil’s continuing high attainment. All children make very good progress often exceeding expected National standards.
Assessment is fundamental to be able to extend and challenge children’s learning so that they achieve their best. Our assessment processes allow us to continually evaluate children’s knowledge, skills and understanding, establishing what children can do and what their next learning steps should be. Details of how we assess children’s work can be found in our Assessment Policy.
Assessment is the heart of the learning process and provides the valuable evidence to guide and improve teaching and learning Alongside this, it offers the opportunity for children to demonstrate and review their own progress. It is an integral part of our relentlessly ambitious, high expectations culture.
Early Years Foundation Stage
In the Reception class Early Learning Goals establish expectations for most children to reach by the end of the Foundation Stage. Children’s progress is carefully assessed in the 6 areas of learning and reported to parents at the end of the year.
Key Stage One
The National Curriculum has been written to for pupils to meet Age Related Expectations (ARE) for the end of each year. As children travel from Year 1 to Year 2 in our school, their progress is tracked against the Age Related Expectations. In Year 2 Teacher assessment levels are reported to parents in English, Maths and Science at the end of the Summer Term.
We are very proud of our achievements here at St Peter’s. Our children consistently achieve results which show their outcomes significantly exceed those of others across the country. The strength of our community lies in the hard work of our children, parents and staff who work together to achieve these fantastic outcomes.
For performance tables please visit:
For our online school profile, please visit: