The Special Educational Needs and Disabilities of most children can be met effectively within the classroom through individually planned programmes of work.
St Peter’s has its own SEND Policy and has regard to the ‘Code of Practice’, issued by the Secretary of State for Education, which gives practical guidance on the way in which schools identify, assess and make provision for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. This includes children with and without Educational Health Care Plans (EHCPs).
Provision Mapping
We have a very experienced part time SENDCo who is responsible for the co-ordination of Special Educational Needs including the needs of very able children.
Children in each class are reviewed regularly by the class teacher and our SEND co-ordinator. Parents are informed when additional support or monitoring is thought to be appropriate for an individual child. If necessary we can call upon the help of outside agencies such as the Educational Psychologist and speech therapist or specialist teachers for inclusive practise.
Regular reviews and meetings are held throughout the year to evaluate actions being taken, assess impact and review the resources needed.
“Teachers break down tasks and provide additional resources to ensure pupils with SEND learn confidently alongside their peers” – Ofsted
We will make every effort to accommodate the needs of pupils who have a physical disability.
Wheelchair access is available throughout the building and there are toilets for the disabled.
The aim of the school’s core provision is to include all children in high quality lessons.
Teachers are aware of the needs of all their children. Teaching is adapted to meet a range of learning styles and tasks are differentiated appropriately to match the needs of the children.
More Able, Gifted and Talented
Differentiation of teaching also applies for those children in our school who have been identified and ‘gifted’ and ‘talented’.
Gifted and talented children are those who have one or more attributes / abilities developed to a level significantly ahead of their year group (or with the potential to develop those abilities).
The term ‘gifted’ refers to those pupils who are capable of excelling in academic subjects such as English, Science, and History.
‘Talented’ refers to those pupils who may excel in areas requiring visio-spatial or practical skills such as games and PE, drama or art.
The terms gifted and talented do not only refer to those pupils who are demonstrating abilities. It is recognised that those who are gifted and talented, for a number of reasons, do not always show their ability. Just as there
are children who have learning difficulties and need a particular type of support in order to reach their potential so there are also gifted and talented children who also need help to achieve their potential.