
Our school is a Social Impact School

We are delighted to share that we have earned the @superkind_org #SocialImpactSchoolsAward this year. This is a testament to the wonderful social action work that our students have put in to make a positive impact on our local community and wider world. We are thrilled to have earned this recognition and are looking forward to having even more social impact next year! #superkind


We are a Healthy School

We are excited to announce that St Peter’s has been awarded Surrey Healthy School status. This is in recognition of our approach to wellbeing, health, inclusion and achievement. The Surrey Healthy Schools approach applies evidenced based practice to promote positive physical, emotional and mental health and wellbeing, and identifies 5 key themes:

  • Whole School Approach towards the promotion of positive health and wellbeing.
  • Personal, Health, Social, Economics, Education (PSHE)
    curriculum  (including health and wellbeing, relationships, staying safe education)
  • Healthy eating (including cooking and health eating in the curriculum, food provision – school meals, packed lunches)
  • Physical activity, including physical education school sport and physical activity
  • Health: Emotional wellbeing and mental health


Anti-Bullying Team Gold

We heard today that we have been awarded the highest level ‘Gold’ for our work on Anti-bullying. Only 11% of schools nationally have been given this award. Congratulations to the Anti-Bullying team members for all their hard work on this, as well as to the whole school.

St Peter's CE Infant School


“New is the year, new are the hopes, new is the resolution, new are the spirits”

Happy New Year from all at St Peter’s School!


God Save The King

As we head towards the big weekend, the children have being celebrating the King’s Coronation by dressing in their royal costumes and taking part in a special day of Coronation themed activities. There has been lots of learning around the Coronation, our country’s traditions, and symbols of our country as well as a special performance of “New King” written by Banji Alexander and a coronation anthem performed by St Peter’s School Choir.


Caterham, Oxted and Godstone Lions Club supporting St Peter’s

We were really lucky today to have a visit from the Caterham, Oxted & Godstone Lions Club president, Chris Frith and Rita Reissland who have very kindly donated logo’d hi-vis jackets for all the children and staff at St Peter’s School. This is a fantastic gift—we will be able to proudly show off our school when we are wearing them out and about and, at the same time, they will be helping to keep us all safe. Thank you so much to the Lions for this fantastic donation.



We are delighted with the results of our recent Ofsted inspection. OUTSTANDING for Behaviour and Attitudes; OUTSTANDING for Personal Development; OUTSTANDING for Leadership – and Good overall. You can read the Ofsted report here.

“It’s fantastic news for the School. Staff across the board, work really hard to ensure that all of our pupils benefit from high quality teaching, learning and assessment, in a supportive and safe place and one which provides them with the skills they need to succeed and progress. This inspection has been a long time coming and we are so incredibly proud and delighted to see the strengths of our school acknowledged by Ofsted” – Lenia Greenaway


Celebrating Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee

We had lots of fun this afternoon celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee with a Royal Party on the Playground.


Friends of St Peter’s Movie Night: Friday 1 April 2022 3.15-5pm

For current pupils of St Peter’s only.  Tickets £5 (including popcorn)
Screening “Encanto”. To book email friends@stpetersinfant.org.

Don’t forget your cushion!


A Prayer for Ukraine


A Message to the Future

The reinstatement works of the older part of the school are in full swing with new flooring being installed to replace that which was damaged by the flooding. We decided it would be a lovely idea for the children to send a message to future generations by creating a time capsule which we will hide under the new flooring in the classroom. The children have written messages and thought of objects to put into the capsule. Today, we held a special school gathering to safely hide it for future generations to discover one day.

St Peter's CE Infant School


“New is the year, new are the hopes, new is the resolution, new are the spirits”

Happy New Year from all at St Peter’s School!


Christmas Wishes

St Peter’s School Staff & Governors would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy New Year!  God bless.


Run, Run Rudolph!

We all got very wet and muddy but we had a great time on our Reindeer Run today! Well done everyone for taking part and raising money for the school. Special thanks to Friends for organising the event and for managing to secure a visit from a very special visitor too!


The Big, Red Fire Engine!

Busy Bees enjoyed a wonderful interactive morning of learning today. We welcomed members of the Fire Brigade into school and they spoke to us about the importance of fire safety. We learned about what to do in the event of a fire, the work that fire fighters do and we asked some very interesting questions. We even got to see the fire engine, the hoses and the special equipment they use!

Thank you to the team from Godstone Fire Station for their informative and exciting visit.


Support our school with Co-Op Local Community Fund

Co-op will donate 1p for every £1 spent on Co-Op branded products or services between 24 Oct 2021 and 22 Oct 2022. Simply select St Peter’s as your local cause by visiting www.co-operate.coop.co.uk/groups/st-peters-c-of-e-infant-school/. Thank you for your support.


“The Lord will indeed provide what is good; and our land will yield its harvest”
Psalm 85:12

Thank you to everyone who was able to join us for our Harvest Celebration Service this morning. We were so happy to once again be able to come together and celebrate in St Peter’s Church as a whole community. The children, as always, made us so proud – well done all of you.


With dear friends and family in our thoughts

A huge thank you to everyone who either attended and/or helped out at our Macmillan Charity Coffee Morning today. This was a brilliant (long overdue) time to get together, have tea/coffee/cake and a natter, as well as raise funds for such an amazing cause which is dear to our hearts. We have raised an amazing £182 so far.


It’s Good to Grow!  – We are collecting tokens

St Peter’s is participating in the Morrisons “It’s Good to Grow” campaign.
From September, for every £10 spent in store or online, you’ll get one Grow Token that we can then redeem for a wide range of gardening and growing equipment which can be used at school. Just download the MyMorrisons app today to take part. Take a look here for further information. Thank you for your support!



Mark Gatty-Saunt (Leo and Eloise’s daddy) took on another crazy challenge and is fundraising for our school. On Wednesday this week, Mark climbed the equivalent height of Mont Blanc (4,808 m/15,777 ft) on Zig Zag Road, Box Hill, Surrey Hills (AONB), UK. To put this challenge into perspective, there wasn’t a single mountain stage in the 2021 Tour de France that had a total elevation close to (or above) this total climbing height. Box Hill is one of the most iconic cycle climbs in Britain and has been referred to as “The Alpe d’Huez of the South-East”. What an absolutely amazing thing to do for our school. Thank you so much Mark. We really hope your legs after feeling okay after this!
Mark has a crowdfunding page if you would like to show him you support:



Welcome back and Happy New Year 2021/22!

We hope you have all had a wonderful summer break. We are looking forward to welcoming our Year 1 and Year 2 children back into school on Thursday 2nd September and our new Busy Bees over the coming days. We can’t wait to see the school full of children sharing their love of learning together again.